Different Types of Wood and Its Uses
Wood is a thick fibrous substance present beneath the bark of various parts of a tree such as trunk, branches. It can also be defined as a natural polymeric material which practically does not age. Wood is as a natural material which is eco-friendly is widely used in Domestic and Industrial areas. Even in the World of Advanced Technology, Wooden Products have a huge demand.
Wood as a Building Material falls into two major classes – Natural and Man-Made. With the advances in Sciences and Technology, a natural form of wood is being replaced by Composite Wood Materials.
As the Wood comes from trees, the Classification of Wood can be classified from the Tree types.
Classification of Trees:
Trees are classified as Endogenous and Exogenous according to the mode of growth.
Endogenous Trees: These trees grow end wards
E.g.: Palm, Bamboo
Exogenous Trees: These trees grow outwards and make structural elements. These are again classified into Conifers and Deciduous. The Wood Classification is from this Exogenous Trees.
Different Types of Wood:
Generally, Wood is Classified into 3 types. They are:
1. Softwood
2. Hardwood
3. Composite/Engineered Wood
1.Softwood: The wood extracted from Conifers trees are called Softwood. Conifers are the evergreen trees having pointed leaves. They have discrete annual rings, straight fibres and are soft with pine as an exception, light in colour, resinous and lightweight.

2. Hardwood: The wood extracted from Deciduous trees are called Hardwood. Deciduous trees have flat board leaves. The annual rings are indistinct and non-resinous (generally hard), dark in colour and heavyweight.

Note: Due to their long straight trunk and better quality, Softwood is predominantly used for Construction Purposes as compared to Hardwood.
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